Marissa Molnar
Joined Broken Box in 2013
Most likely to rally the crew for late-night skinny dipping
BKBX Favorites:
Do You Have It In My Size?
Topograthree (Topography 3)
Marissa Molnar makes collaborative physical and multidisciplinary theater and film. Besides BKBX, she was also a company member with Synetic Theater in Washington DC from 2006-2010, receiving two Helen Hayes Awards for Outstanding Ensemble. She recently worked with Synetic again in 2020-2021, creating two solo short films, The Offering and Fair, that screened at the NY Indie Theatre Film Festival. Marissa has performed regionally and Off-Broadway, toured nationally, and taught physical theater in Peru. Her projects in development feature live physical performance fused with projections and film in a theater space. She teaches piano to kids in NYC. B.A. Music: American University; M.F.A. Performance and Interactive Media Arts (PIMA): Brooklyn College.